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Professional Referrals

Professional Referrals

How to Make a Referral

Referrals may be directed to our Admissions Department. You may reach us via phone, fax, mail, or email. In order to expedite your referral we request the following information be submitted for review: youths’ demographics, background information, past placement history and reports, psychiatric/psychological evaluations if applicable, and any court documents if appropriate. After reviewing the information we may request to interview the youth face to face or by telephone. In most cases, a decision to accept or reject the youth will be made within 24-hours of initial referral.

Once the decision is made to accept or reject, an admissions staff member will notify you by telephone or email with the decision and will send written verification of the decision by email (or mail if requested). If a child is deemed acceptable, the referring worker will receive a set of consent forms, a questionnaire and visitation policy that must be reviewed, completed, and signed by the parent/guardian and/or appropriate worker, and returned to the Admissions Department prior to admittance. A projected admittance date will be discussed via telephone between an admissions staff member and referring worker.

Once all of this information has been received, an assessment will be scheduled for the client and his or her family to meet with one of our assessors. This is usually done within 24 hours of receiving the referral form. However, if there is an empty bed and the referral is one of priority, the assessment will be scheduled immediately and information will be submitted to the patient’s insurance as soon as possible.

We are always available to review any referrals made for our programs and are proud of our ability to work with you to get your patients the treatment services they need to aid them in their recovery process. At Provo Canyon School, we are here to ensure we meet both your needs and our client’s needs.  So please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions or concerns you may have. We greatly value all of our referral sources and recognize how much you care about the overall well-being of your patients.